Wednesday, September 9, 2009

im an international student!

hahaha second day of school today. Got used to squeezing with the morning crowd here and taking bus down to school. Totally love my campus. it's got old red brick kinda architecture but the communications journalism and my science complex is new! hahah! even lessons are conducted in a damn old-school fashion. blackboard and chalk. :) will upload pics of them tmr or sth.

Had lotsa interesting encounters at school!
1. My quantum class only had 15 students incl both of us.

2. Lecturers dont upload slides for my chem class, they use blackboard and we had to copy notes.

3. Lecturers dont dress up. my quantum lecturer wore sandals and berms. (i thought he was a student!) neurobiology prof wears berms with a chain and high cut converse and had tatoos on the back of his neck and arm. (he's super duper humorous and animated! love his classes. and he introduced himself by waving cheekily "Hi! I'm Jim!" ) devt psych lecturer wore jeans and tshirt.

4. Classes are interactive, so unlike spore's. Students can just raise their hands and comment on what the lecturer has said, or asked questions. I like! though i haven spoken in class yet. I have classmates who are over 40 and 50 years of age in my devt psych class! One is even becoming a granny soon!

5. Students here are rather independent. Most of them go classes alone or only had just one or two friends arnd. So unlike in nus where u can see at least some cliques of students arnd.

6. Who says there're no free lunches in the world.the downtown campus offers free lunch! haha just that it's a non-profit organisation for healthy food, so they serve vegetarian and organic food. (no wonder not ALOTTT of ppl go for them. hahah)

7. Some of my lects are only an hr and fifteen mins long. I feel it's good! Just the right duration for my short attention span. Can fully concentrate and absorb better :)

OH i went to climb! OPUS pass rocks. Unlimited metro and bus rides, so i took a metro down yest after school to check out the supposed Montreal's highest rock gym, Allez Up. Was soso only i guess. Camp 5 still owns big time, but oh well, shouldnt complain, at least i got to climb. Their bouldering walls are full of tapes, so there were lotsa routes around. Oh yeah, went just alone. I miss you guys la. Wish you guys were here. Well, hope i make some new friends soon! AND! I got a freaking flapper. :( I think it's too much moisturiser over these weeks in this dry country. Signed up for the one month's pass too, so i should really make full use of it! Things really arent cheap here! :( Would post pic soon!

More random stuff!
1. Girls in Montreal are damn hot! Alot of them (in downtown of course) have so good dress sense and sharp features and flawless skins. How i wish i were a guy. LOL.

2. One week into my stay here and i still look out for cars the opposite way. It's left hand drive here but instincts always make me turn my head to the right, the spore way. So glad im still in one piece now. I should really start learning or i'll meet an accident one day! :(

3. Cars here dont have car plates on the front. They only show it at the back, i wonder why.

4. I've added more bookmarks to my google chrome page. I think i really need more entertainment online at night. rocks. Please intro me any random and cool website! Would be deeply appreciated! (:

5. How i wish i could DRIVE! :( soo many cars here, soo many independent female drivers arnd. One of them would be me. One day.

6. I shall start learning one french word a day! It's been 8days here, so here goes!
Bonjour! = hello
Bienvenue = welcome
Ouvert = Open
Ferme = Close
Tirez = Pull
Poussez = Push
Poulet = Chicken
Frais = Fresh
Sortie = Exit
avec = with
I realised i had learnt a tiny weenee bit of french for piano b4 but all thrown away completely. My memory is deteroitating. tsk.

7. Yx and I are gonna sign for yoga classes. Just too bored and wanna work out badly. We'll get so fat if we continue at this rate! heh.

Okay time to sleep. Tmr will be another day of just one hr fifteen mins lect! yay!

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