Friday, September 18, 2009

fall has fallen! :(

woke up to a gloomy day today. no longer the bright sunny day that we've always experienced. i guess this really marks the start of autumn! :( i wake up at 7.30am every morning and had been greeted with super bright sun the past few days. sigh! no more loong hours of daylight, and sunny sun! and it's getting colder! i think we'll start wearing winter clothing soon while the ang mohs stare at us like we're some idiots haha.

anyway! schoolwork is beginning to pile up though it's only the second week of school! :( SEP is so not fun when it comes to schoolwork! hahaha! now we're worried if we can even pass their courses! the workload for each course(module) is equally or heavier than those in NUS. But people here take only 3 or 4 modules each semester and take their time to finish their degree. i made this friend in my psych class who grows up in montreal but took 2yrs off her studies to go china to study mandarin! my friend met a few ppl who did likewise too. many of them switch around and try out different course of study before deciding on their major. so it's so unlike the spore system, when switching between courses is so difficult (maybe besides FASS?) and cramping 5-6 modules per semester just in order to graduate in 3-4 years. it'd be so much less stressful that way right! but i guess it's the culture? like ur peers would look at you in a different light if they find you much older than them. and even the govt doesnt seem to encourage this system! our tuition grant is only good for 4yrs of study. hmm...

so things have started to be monotonous these days. some interesting encounters these few days!

haha orientation organised by Concordia International Students Association was a blast! met lots of ppl from all arnd the world and thought the best part was the bar-hopping at night. heh. shhh dont tell mummyy! going toronto with them next weekend, CANT WAIT!

i've been studying chemistry for the past 6-7 years of my life, but i wasted half an hour of my life yest attending CHEM 101. guess what was it about! the lecturer blabbered on for half an hour, all about PLAGIARISM. -.- it's a damn serious offence in my school apparently. gone are the days when i copied and pasted senior's lab reports wholesale! hahaha oops. there's gonna be an online quiz which the passing mark is 100%. HAHA.

we didnt feel like going back so early after the talk, so decided to take a random bus that comes along and see where it took us to. hahaha fun way to explore montreal! ended up one metro stop away from our house, so decided to just walk all the way back and explore our neighbourhood. really loved that random day! learnt alot bout my neighbourhood! also learnt that it's always good to just keep trying, cuz we never know what we'd learn or gain from every experience. (: there're bound to be failures nonetheless, but trying is free anyway, so no harm! (: we found this super old and run down restaurant but turned out that they serve super duper good smoked meat!! oh my. they're super generous with their serving and the meat is super tender and flavourful! pity i didnt bring my camera that day, but we can always go again! i never liked beef but that really changed my opinion on beef! hahah! slurps! found this cool dollar shop too! hahaha! it's really great to learn that there're budget shops arnd, esp when std of living is so high! (: it'd be my fav hangout from now, other than the supermarket. hah.

it's friday night today so it's eat out day! dined at some jap restaurant! omg oishii! the feeling of thick salmon meat melting in your mouth, and together with the wasabi and soy sauce, it's heavenly! hahaha i sound like i haven eaten sashimi for ten years. but yes it's really awesome to know that all these great food places are just within walking distance from our apartment! there's this korean bbq restaurant around and the smell of their grilled food seems so tantalicious too! haha i dont think we eat so much good food that often in spore too, but heck. anything that can make us feel closer to home would make us happy! (: (we eat crap during the weekdays anyway. -.-)

OHHH YESS I JUST RMBED! hahaha volunteered to be part of this psychology study in school one random day and guess what i got from it!

TIM HORTONS CARD and has a value of $2.50!

hahaha. I LOVE TIM! it's everywhere in Canada and i think everyone here loves it too! it's cheap and serve nice bagels, donuts, wraps, and ICE CAPPUCINO! they've got damn good raisin cream cheese bagel too. reg, it's like ur raisin cream cheese, but the bread is the harder version. i wish i could franchise it in spore. heh.

eh i dont just eat and think of food everyday k! (though i really do whenever i've got nth on my mind, tt's how deprived i am. :S) hahaha im a member of Le Gym in my school! it boasts to have the cheapest gym rates in town but the gym is freaking nice! the treadmills, cycling machine, rowing machines and whatnot line up the gym in few dozens and take up like half the gym! looks a lil like those magnificent army battalion. the other part of the gym is filled with the cool weight training machines. it's really fun to gym, haha esp when you get a chance to work out and play with all the cool machines, while there're many muscle-popping hunks around. :D sorry guys, im straight so i dont check girls out when i gym. HAHA. but yeah, it's really good. and it's the only time i get to sweat it out in this cold and dry country! feels really good after that and the best part is you dont get the sticky and hot feeling after persipiring so much! (i can just go shopping after that! heh)

ookay i think i should get back to my lab report. no plagiarising means i must digest and rephrase every single detail i read from the net. argh. tons of reading to do too. double argh. going for some dinner organised by Malaysia and Spore Student's Association tmr (hope it'd be fun!) and Quebec City+Montmerency Falls trip on sunday! whee!

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